Here follows an account of the religious beliefs of the per-deluge or flood peoples (Atlantis).
Even though "SOMA" is thought of as East Indian 'after the deluge' its history proceeds the flood.
40,000 years ago mankind gathered the bluing Psilocybin mushrooms from the tropical climate of India. These mushrooms sprang up in and around cow pastures. At around 2,000 BC Nordic Tribes of Aryan’s invaded the Indus Valley bring with them the “Red Bull of the Mountain.” Soma, originally Psilocybin was now Soma—Amanita muscaria. Indu was name given the original Soma (Psilocybin). Later a vine crept into the mix-Argyreia nervosa of the Morning Glory Family—Symbolized by the Conch Shell. “Ye will not find him who produced these creatures: another thing hath risen up among you. Enwrapt in misty cloud, with lips that stammer, hymn-chanters wander and are discontented” (Moore, 1957:18).

Here we see "Humankind" holding up the "Tree of Life" - dated 40,000 years old...
This precious Living Manna can heal serious
addictions, abuse issues and have an impact on many physical and emotional
diseases. We observed one man who had
been a functioning alcoholic and cigarette smoker for 30 years who kicked both
habits after one 7 gram journey. He is
now motivated to look at the issues under the addictions and has used the sacrament
to help him to access these issues that were part of the underling material in
his subconscious. The implications for
this medicine are immense. Perhaps this
will assist in the arrival of the final stage in which humanity will at last
live in peace with each other through the cleansing of the hearts of those
walking wounded on the planet. We know
another woman who is healing from extreme childhood abuse with the help of this
medicine. Layer after layer of stored
painful emotions and the poor life choices that rested upon those dark holes
are being cleansed and filled in. The
implications for those who end up in jails are significant, as Psilocybin
raises the Serotonin levels throughout the body. Major studies have shown a causal link
between crimes such as murder and low levels of the “King Transmitter”
Serotonin (Roger D. Masters
1994 & Strassman 2001). The majority
of them are acting out from abusive childhood issues that have gone
untreated. This medicine could impact
our world in a truly positive way- binging an awareness of the living Christ as
well as cleansing the hearts of the wounded.
Gordon Wasson first identified the 10,000 year old petroglyphs from the Pegtymel River in Far East Siberia. With careful inspection you can make out not only the hemispherical mushroom caps of Amanita muscaria above the females, but you can see the Psilocybe mushroom headed male in their midst—whose head cap like Psilocybin has a slight point to it (I guess the Women just wanted to be different...Shocker!). What choice to have to make, follow the Woman’s lead and eat the red stop sign “apple” or follow God and stick to the Tree of Life.
Still to this day the Amanita muscaria mushrooms are used by various tribes in Siberia. There is a custom among them which could easily have lead to the Hindu Caste System. The wealthy afford themselves a large store of these dried red and white mushrooms. In winter when everyone else is out of these mushrooms the urine is drunk to produce the same effect as the mushrooms. Thus the Brahmin or Priests passed their intoxicating urine to the bravest warrior who took by force his position as first in line. This warrior then sold his urine to a merchant or trader Caste member for some goods or wealth and on down the line it passed.
The Venus of Willendorf was found at a Paleolithic village in Willendorf Austria. It is believed to be roughly 20,000 years old. At one time this 4” statue was painted red and as you can tell from its head it emulated the Amanita muscaria’s cap as well as color. Once humankind became ensnared in all that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil had to offer, we naturally turned to goddess worship as logic and reason show us that all things are born from what is female.
The Algerian Bee Shaman are not all that Terrence McKenna found in Africa. Above are the dancing bemushroomed peoples of that region—Thought to be 6000 years old, these images show a procession of mushroom headed dancers each caries a mushroom in his hand where it can be seen. Beneath a trail of stars which fall to the ground at the leaders feet. Notice the shape these white points of light take once they reach the ground. It is the geometric outline of a pyramid with the “capstone” - presumably a Psilocybin mushroom next to it. It is said that before the great flood, two monuments were built one of stone one of clay. The world was destroyed by flood and the stone monument—The great Pyramid of Gaza seems to be that astronomical and mathematical perfection left to the post deluge age… Of the line of Seth it is said that he was the first to begin calling on the Name of the Lord again...
The Algerian Bee Shaman (upper left) was first commented upon by Terrence McKenna—It is thought to be 6000 years old. Notice the stylistic similarity to this South African Bee Shaman of more recent but as yet unknown date.
Well that's all I have for this entry, stay tuned - next time we dive into history as Civilization Begins...(again).
PS. If you enjoyed reading this blog consider buying the book!
My study presents visual evidence of encoded mushroom imagery "Hidden In Plain Sight", that proves that the late ethno-mycologist Robert Gordon Wasson was in fact correct in surmising that the true identity of Soma was the hallucinogenic Amanita muscaria mushroom. Moreover, I also believe that the Amanita muscaria mushroom was worshiped and venerated in Mesoamerica like the god Soma in ancient India and southeast Asia. The Amanita muscaria mushroom was so cleverly encoded in the religious art of both the New and Old Worlds, that prior to my study they virtually escaped detection.
ReplyDeleteLike the god plant Soma of the ancient Indo-Aryans the god myths of Mesoamerica contain a sacramental food or beverage associated with sacrifice and immortality. The Aryans, who introduced their Soma religion into the Indus Valley civilization around 1600 B.C., believed that sacrifices were necessary to keep the world in balance. This balance was maintained through the acts of ritual sacrifice and the offering of Soma (Sanskrit) Haoma (Avestan), the hallucinogenic drink of the Indo-Aryan s and ancient Persians of Iran. I have found sufficient visual evidence in the art of Mesoamerica and South America to identify this sacramental food as an hallucinogenic substance, most notably the Amanita muscaria mushroom. Like the Vedic god Soma, the Amanita muscaria mushroom of Mesoamerica assumes, from earliest times, the persona of the god itself. In Mesoamerica this god took the dualistic form of the "were-jaguar" in the Underworld " and the Principal Bird Deity of the Upper world. For visual evidence visit SOMA IN THE AMERICAS by Carl de Borhegyi
Dear Carl,
DeleteI've seen your work and it is both volumes and detailed in it's research. I too have researched the Indo-Aryan Soma/Haoma medicine plant and concur that it was most certainly the Amanita muscaria or Red Bull of the Mountain. However, careful study of the Veda's, ancient East Indian Rock Art and the art history of India show that prior to the Aryan invasion an earlier more - native to the tropical nature of India - Soma existed. Once the Aryan's took over - setting up their white guy on top Brahman System or Caste System - the Bluing Mushrooms were suppressed. This original Soma was renamed Indu (feminized Soma). Robert Gordon Wasson's co-author Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty took the time to translate 108 verses of the Rig Veda in which she shows that Psilocybin was the original Soma of India prior to the Aryan's arrival. This does not disqualify Gordon's identification of Amanita muscaria as the Soma titled the Red Bull of the Mountain - just shows that there was one before it.
Here is evidence provided by the late Ethno-mycologist Bernard Lowy linking the Amanita muscaria mushroom with a creation myth, and a trinity of gods, associated with divine rulership.
ReplyDeleteQuoting Ethno-mycologist Bernard Lowy.....
"During a visit to Guatemala in the summer of 1978, I stayed in the village of Santiago de Atitlan, a community where Tzutuhil [Mayan] is spoken and where ancient traditions and folkways are still maintained. There I learned that in Tzutuhil legend mushrooms are intimately associated with the creation myth. In the Quiche pantheon the god Kakulja, he of the lightning bolt, one of a trilogy of supreme gods, is revered above all others, and in the Popol Vuh, the sacred book in which the traditions of the Quiche people are recorded (Edmunson, 7), his position of ascendency is made clear". (from Lowy, Revista/Review Interamericana, vol. 11(1), pp. 94-103, 1980)
Lowy reported in 1974, "Amanita mucaria and the Thunderbolt Legend in Guatemala and Mexico" page 189, that cakulha was not only the Quiche term for thunderbolt but is also the Quiche name for Amanita mucaria mushroom. In the Popol Vuh, the mushroom gods of the Quiche Maya were named Thunderbolt Hurricane, Newborn Thunderbolt, and Raw Thunderbolt, alluding to a trinity of gods also named in the Popol Vuh as Tohil, Auilix, and Hacauitz.
Wasson himself covered these three Soma's of the Maya in his book Persephone's Quest: One-Leg Lightningbolt is the first (Amanita muscaria), And the second is Dwarf Lightningbolt (The Psilocybins) Third then was Green Lightningbolt (The Green Snake Plant or Morning Glory - also called the Feathered Serpent).
DeleteThis trinity of gods - or their sacraments anyway was also reflected in East India where you had the Soma called the Red Bull of the Mountain, the Soma called 'the wealth of cattle' and later 'the vine' which creeped in called the "Hawaiian Baby Woodrose" - still this potent seed is part of Ayurvedic medicine. Personally - Amanita muscaria isn't that impressive to me - not when you have tyrants like Cesar, Brahman, and Pharaoh interested in it. More like the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil than the Tree of Life. Apologies if this seems contentious - your work is really good - and you've got a lot on Psilocybin too - Just trying not to let the Big Red Apple take up too much of the space.