40,000 years ago mankind gathered the bluing Psilocybin mushrooms from the tropical climate of India—As a ‘long lasting food’ and the wealth of cattle. Naturally enough, these mushrooms sprang up in and around cow pastures. At around 2,000 BC Nordic Tribes of Aryan’s invaded the Indus Valley bring with them the “Red Bull of the Mountain.” Soma, originally Psilocybin was now Soma—Amanita muscaria. The original Soma was renamed Indu by the mixed culture. Later a vine crept into the mix, Argyreia nervosa of the Morning Glory Family—Symbolized again as the universal Conch Shell. “Ye will not find him who produced these creatures: another thing hath risen up among you. Enwrapt in misty cloud, with lips that stammer, hymn-chanters wander and are discontented” (Moore, 1957:18). The lotus symbol at left with the circumpunct set in its center is a highly stylized East Indian symbol for the Psilocybin mushroom—often it is shown held aloft in the right hand of various Hindu deities. The morphine like substance found in certain lilies was also very likely to have been known by these peoples.
The start of East Indian religion traditionally stems from the Aryan invasion of the Indus Valley. However, prior to the arrival of the Aryans a civilized people existed in the Indus valley called the Dravidians or Harappens. This society had developed stone buildings, cities, plumbing and the agricultural techniques of farming. These dark skinned people migrated into the Indus Valley around 4000 BC as Hunters and Gathers (a timeline in congruent with Noah’s flood 3200BC—did the Flood not extend to India or is the date of migration off?) . Above are some of the clay seals and sculptures these people created. At the top left is a Harappen clay seal of an elephant, and a symbol of what looks like an upside down Psilocybe cubensis as yet unopened is set. Surprisingly, Cubensis and other Psilocybin containing mushrooms do grow on elephant dung. Below this seal another elephant is displayed with images of upright flying-fish. It may well be that the ‘civilizer’ of Samarian culture was also the teacher of the early Harappen culture. Baskets sit before other species on whose dung grow these sacred mushrooms. A Harappen “Priest-King” wares a cow hide garment, perhaps the ‘holiness’ ascribed to cattle in India today originally came from the dependable mushrooms common to the bovine. Aside from cattle and elephants, rhino's and other large grass grazers produce the means by which Psilocybin grows. The Dream Catcher-like symbol is another common hieroglyph of these seals and looks very much like the underside of a mushroom.
The top right seal is an early Harappen design of a cattle-like creature, above it resides as picturesque a representation of a Psilocybin mushroom as can be expected of this clay medium. Given the date of four thousand years back into antiquity and the medium of clay impressionism it is not bad anyway. At top center we have clay devotees much like the Sumerian statues, showing a cultural continuance perhaps. To the right of the devotees a Harappen seal showing a three ungulate or herbivore. All three produce dung on which Psilocybes thrive. At lower center a shaman with three faces sits in cosmic meditation, an eaten apple core supports him while three psilocybin producing herbivores: water buffalo, rhino and elephant symbolically surround him. His head is crowned with water buffalo horns and a mushroom-like effigy emerges from its center while a lion roars next to him. The lion (tiger) represents the ‘fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom.’ No one enters into the Sacrament without this fear, it is the circumstantial reverence one has when ‘laying down ones life -in order to save it.’ The tiger on the left also has a basket (indicating ‘to gather’) set in front of it, aligning it with the herbivores. Tigers like lions were universally associated with the God encountered thru Psilocybin, causing the “Overcomer” to become ’lionized.’ By extension the tiger on the right, also of Harappen creation, has been given a pair of cattle horns to point out this association. Above the lion is a simplified geometric cap and what looks like a primitive sift—for juicing. These sifts or strainers were consistently developed in Harappen seals.
Amanita muscaria has unique properties in that it commonly removes fear and the emotion of empathy from its practitioners range of emotions. However it requires a good deal of knowledge to prepare it. Some believe that Amanita muscaria gathered under Birch trees does not have the toxic qualities causing nausea, vomiting and delirium. Specifically, that these mushrooms when found growing on Pine trees absorb the turpentine qualities common to Pines. Others stress that one must roast or otherwise dry Amanita muscaria to transform the active ingredient from one state to another specifically from muscimol to ibotenic acid. Which ever the case, and both may be true—the Veda’s make no reference to fire roasting or drying the Aryan Soma but rather talk about pressing the plants juice out in wooden vats with filters arguing for the Birch vs. Pine hypothesis. Above we see the Aryan Soma or Red Bull with the wooden bowl and spotted mushroom cap turned upside down. The reason for not making it more obvious, but for turning the mushroom upside down and conjoining it with the crushing or pounding stike and wooden bowl is a case of security through obscurity. Only those with ‘eyes to see’ will know what the seal says. A flying fish is seen over the left bulls head, harking back to Oannes or the “Man Teaching Fish” and further demonstrating that Psychedelic State was the traditional college where one might receive a higher education.
The foundation of East Indian religion is tradition is originally thought to have stemmed from the Aryan invasion of the Indus Valley. However, this is clearly inaccurate as the Harappen society was highly developed prior to the arrival of the Aryan influx. If anything the Aryan’s brought a more restrictive society into being, dominated by the Brahmans. As a classed society it was predominantly controlled by the white skinned Aryan’s who had the advantage of advanced knowledge in warfare with horse driven chariots and iron weapons. A knowledge which they gathered by means all too transparent now. The above clay seal shows the bull and the spotted cap, stem and annulus (skirt-like ring on the stalk). The pressing stick and wooden bowl are also present and have been turned right side up for closer inspection. Above we see the mountain mushroom with stick, the crushing bowl with stick inserted, the filter and a more modern wooden bowl with pressing stick. This is the root of the Hindu religion from which the Caste System was born and a bitter root it is indeed.

In ancient times the Prophets were called Seers, much is recorded about them in the earliest written religious texts. It is widely believed that “the seers realized that true religion comprehends all religions, so that “God is one but men call him by many names.” To this we add that the pre deluge peoples “knew God but did not count Him as such.” While others may mistake the preternatural for the supernatural or less caustically but still in error—honor a supernatural being from God (Angel) as God Himself. But now lets look at what the Seers say about divinity in the Vedas:
To Soma Pavamana [Self-Purifying Soma]
4. Splendid by Law! declaring Law, truth-speaking, truthful in thy works, Enouncing faith, king Soma!...
To Vayu
Whatever sin is found in me, whatever evil I have wrought, If I have lied or falsely sworn, Waters, remove it far from me.
To Indra
Eternal Law hath varied food that strengthens; thought of eternal law removes transgressions.
By holy law long lasting food they bring us; by holy law have cows come to our worship.
Men have abstained from pouring juice; they count not Indra as a god.
It is note worth to take measure of the focus on truthfulness, Law (you can’t have civilization without it), the removal of sin/transgressions, and the hint that Eternal Law has varied foods… True also is the fact that Indra was a bluing god. Above at left Vishnu holds what appears to be the Sacrament Psilocybin in his right hand. For more on the Right Handed Path vs. the Left Handed Path see Neil Finn's "Left Hand" Produced by Mushroom Records.
As time passed and Hindu culture grew into a much larger and necessarily more structured society. The symbolic representation of Psilocybin and the Morning Glory became more stylized. Above at left is a very old stature of Vishnu in which the Psilocybin mushroom can be fairly clearly seen to have a proper likeness to its natural state. The Morning Glory is also more clearly represented as the ‘question mark’ tendril; combining elements of the Conch Shell with the coiled serpent. The more modern metal statue of Vishnu on the right shows a highly stylized lily or lotus wheel representing the Psilocybe mushrooms while the Serpent plant is now only a ‘tri-flowered question mark’ signifying the left handed path. Above on the left this stylized Morning Glory’s flowers are now represented as flames. Later in a variation of the Buddhist traditions you will see these flaming flower depicted on the third eye or above the head of certain Buddha’s with the tendril within it...
Above a very modern image of Vishnu continues the tradition of showing the Psychedelic name plants in their highly stylized forms. The wheel in the top right hand still represents Psilocybe but now it’s center shows the crown of the Poppy. While the lower right hand displays the stem and Poppy capsule. The left hand hold up the Morning Glory stylized Conch Shell and below that the morphine containing pink lily (much like the blue lily of the Nile: Nymphaea Caerulea). In some lilies the relevant narcotic-like part appears to be the root, in others the stalk, and in others the flower itself. Speaking in thhe common tongue we are looking at the names of Angels: The Angel of the Lord (Psilocybin), Gabriel (Opium Poppy & Lily?), and Lucifer (Morning Glory).
“Man winneth faith by yearnings of the heart, and opulence by faith.”
-Tenth Veda x.151 (Griffith)
PS. If you enjoyed reading this blog consider buying the book! https://www.amazon.com/Book-Remembrance-History-Religion-Psychedelics/dp/1979558485/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1511116221&sr=8-2&keywords=Matthew+Wyman