As we step into Egyptian history we are faced with a challenge; some research suggests that Egyptian history was pre-deluge in origin. Still, as with this example of the Narmer plate, we don’t know exactly how old it is. As such it seems better to except the possibility of Egypt’s history being older than 3,200 B.C. Anyway, let’s begin with the Bull, classically associated with Amanita muscaria—Known to the ancient East Indians as “The Red Bull of the Mountain.” Narmer is considered to be the first Pharaoh of united Egypt. Here we see him marching with the crown of the South—The symbol of the Morning Glory—its spiral tendril so carefully depicted on Xochipilli the Aztec statue deciphered by the Harvard Botinist Richard E. Shultez. Hence, Xochipilli has become the Rosetta Stone of Psychedelics. Notice the Egyptians taming of the long necked lions… Lions and lionization are closely linked to Psilocybin as we say in the Olmec culture (prior to the blending). In front of Narmer walks a “long haired shaman” with “mushrooms hanging from his neck” as Adrian Morgan points out in Toads and Toadstools. There are other symbols tied into this early Pharaoh’s record of conquest, but for now the Bull, the Lions, and the Spiral Tendril will foot the bill so to speak.
Khufu (2589-2566 BC) was the 4th Dynasty (2613-2498) Pharaoh who is claimed to have been the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Originally, the Great Pyramid stood 481 feet (146.6 m) tall. Although commonly called Cheops (and also Suphis) because of the late Greek influence on Egypt, the name Khufu is the original ancient Egyptian name for this king as demonstrated by his own cartouche (where was the cartouche found? The author did not say) Khufu, seems to have reigned for approximately 24 years.
Although the Great pyramid has such fame, little is actually known about its builder, Khufu. Ironically, only a very small statue of 9 cm has been found depicting this historic ruler. This statue, pictured above, was not found in Giza near the pyramid, but was found to the south at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, the ancient necropolis...
Why, if Khufu of the Egyptians was the builder of the Great Pyramid is there only one tiny statue of him left to us from history?
Here is what scholars say about the antiquity of the Great Pyramid:
“Other researchers have observed radio carbon dating that places the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at much older, pre-deluge dates. In the words of one researcher: “the builders were either the Ice Age Civilization of 36,525 to 11,600 years ago, or, at the latest, a part of a global Early Human Civilization that broke up about 6,000 years ago, and that the Giza Sphinx and Pyramids were already built about 5,100 years ago when Menes reunited Lower Egypt, including Giza, with Southern Upper Egypt.
Mark Lehner also says "... Since most of the outer casing [of the Great Pyramid] is missing what you see now is the step-like structure of the core.... they didn't join the [core] stones very accurately.
... I noticed that in the interstices between the stones and in this mortar was embedded organic material, like charcoal, probably from the fire that they used to heat the gypsum in order to make the mortar. ...we saw in many places ... fragments of tools, bits of pottery ... characteristic of the Old Kingdom. ... we did a first [radiocarbon dating] run in 1984 ... of some 70 samples from a whole selection of pyramids of the Old Kingdom ... getting dates ... that were on the average 374 years too old for the Cambridge Ancient History ... dates [such as 2550 BC for Khufu]."
Mark Lehner in 1986 said (Hancock and Bauval, Message of the Sphinx, Crown 1996, p. 307) that 15 mortar samples from the Great Pyramid were dated by radioactivity at ... dates [that] run from 3809 BC to 2869 BC ... significantly earlier than the best Egyptological date for Khufu ... almost like a Bell curve ... when you cut it down the middle ... 400 to 450 years too early ..."
In my opinion, when Menes reunited Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, with a capital in the Abydos-Luxor-Thebes region, around 5,100 years ago, the Southern Upper Egyptians (whose culture was more advanced technologically in areas from copper working to constructing walled cities) came into control of the Giza area and its preexisting Pyramids and Sphinx. “
The discovery of this boat buried at the base of the great pyramid suggests what author Noah Hutchings states in his book “The Great Pyramid—Prophecy in Stone.” Namely that one of the two pillars erected by the sons of Seth before the flood was the Pyramid itself. It is recorded in Scripture that one monument of clay and one of fire was built to the survivors of God’s cleansing. The visionaries of Seth's line saw the destruction of the world by either fire or flood—unable to decide which they built a monument of clay and one of stone. Stone survives water while clay withstands fire… A boat buried at the base of the Great Pyramid of stone could indicate an awareness that only a boat could survive the deluge.
Since this Pyramid stands on the old border that divided Lower and Upper Egypt it could well have been a standing monument when the Egyptians first arrived. One thing is for certain, no Egyptians ever has built a monument of equal caliber to it. The Prophet records the following in reference to it:
Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee… Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day –Jeremiah 32:17,20
“During the first dynasty Egypt was divided into two kingdoms. Because of its great antiquity, no one knows the exact date the first Egyptian dynasty began. The twelfth dynasty was already established, according to the Egyptian historian Manetho, in 2000 B.C., at the time of Abraham. Some place the first dynasty as far back as 4000 B.C., long before the flood. However, according to Dr. Zaki Y. Saad, noted scholar of Egyptian history, the first dynasty began in about 3200 B.C. King Aha of the first dynasty ruled over Upper Egypt and Queen Neithetep ruled over Lower Egypt.
The Pharonic ruler of Egypt was crowned with either the Upper, Lower or both the Double crown of both—depending on where he ruled. The double crown of ancient Egyptians was generally referred to it as sekhemti, the “Two Powerful Ones.” The Upper Crown, Psilocybin grew in the Marshes of the Goshen Valley. The Lower Crown or Morning Glory was traded for in the South of Egypt—the Crown reflecting its tendrils. Speaking of the crowns or “Stones of Pharaoh,” a study on contrast between the right handed path and the left handed path is found in Sting’s “Why Should I Cry For You.” - If North be true…
Genesis chapter 3:22 states “Then the LORD God said “Behold the man has become like one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life let us cast him out of the garden…” Interesting that the Yale University society “Skull & Bones” has the number 322 upon its door. Here we see the ancient tradition of the Brahmin, Pharaoh and Cesar, in this case it is an Egyptian Queen sitting down to eat of Amanita muscaria in order to gain god-like knowledge by which “Care” or empathy is put to death… The ancients now doubt believed that by eating of this bright red “fruit” they would, as the beguiling serpent had told Eve—gain eternal life and knowledge unto apotheosis… That is godhood and eternal life. Notice the icon showing the Ankh and the Amanita muscaria called the “Was” scepter.
Ah the “Was” Scepter... There was a time when the “Was” was considered all that. “Was” was the Egyptian name for the power staff of pharaoh, as you can see it has gills and a mushroom head and body. the open bulbous bottom of the staff is typical of Amanita muscaria. The “Was” is Amanita muscaria, that Tree of Knowledge which caused our fall into ego and death. Amanita muscaria has close ties with Beelzebub, the Lord of Fly's—and this mushroom is also called Fly Agaric. Amanita muscaria had all the stop-sign warning colors one would need to know not to eat it—Yet as Genesis chapter 3:22 states “Then the LORD God said “Behold the man has become like one of Us to know good and evil And now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of Life…” Psilocybin is the other tree, is it therefore the Ankh? Tree of Life depicted as the sign of life? Perhaps… The ankh has been linked to the “bee plant” which as seen above often has the “bread” symbol with it.
Genesis 4:26 states that “after the birth of Seth and once Seth had a child, men began to call on the name of God again.” Perhaps this was a ‘lets wait and see if those mushrooms make Seth’s child deformed.’
According to ancient Egyptian legend nomadic tribes surrounding Egypt worship Seth, Osiris “evil” brother. Algerian Rock art showing “Bee Shaman” maybe linked to his worship. The Seth Animal is a composite of a dog body, anteater head and a tell tale sign for tail. Egyptian deities also had a secret or hidden worship in which powerful psychoactive Sacraments were used. The Seth Animal’s arrow tail is meant to bring up ideas about the other half of the arrow, the pointed end. Golden arrows springing from the ground is as clear a match for Psilocybin as those who have eyes to see need. It is interesting how pastoral mankind (Able?) vanished suddenly, but agricultural Egypt (Cain?) kept going… While the line of Seth lingered on until the Flood (Greek art depicted Seth line as Centaurs). Notice the arrow-tail on the Seth Animal, it too will continue, having first been seen in the ancient stone carvings of India... It will appear again when Rome converts to Christianity…
The story of the death of Osiris the primary deity of Egypt for much of its history is a very large part of Occult history and Mystery School Religion - its Symbolism reveals much. Osiris was tricked into climbing into a coffin by 72 servants of Set, he was then drowned in the Nile river. His wife Isis then found him in a Cyprus tree in Babalos (from where the world Bible comes). Set or Seth however then cut the body of Osiris into 14 parts and dispersed them. Nimrod, who stood against the God of Noah was himself killed and cut into 14 pieces by his uncle who saw how Nimrod lay with his own mother and set himself up as king over the people against the God of Noah.
Isis found all but one of the 14 pieces of Osiris—the phallus which as eaten by the Oxythynchus fish. Interesting that this fish is given the qualities of an ant eater like the Seth Animal symbolic of the deity Set. Now Isis reinstituted the body of Osiris with the 13 pieces she finds and designs a phallus of gold to replace the missing piece. While the Oxyrhynchus fish is crowned with the symbol of Hathor—cow horns with the solar disk set in it (it is from cows that the heavenly bread comes forth - thus the association of Oxythynchus with Hathor.
Among the Mason’s, there is a riddle used to draw fellow craft’s men up through their ranks. It is the “Lost Word of Freemasonry” which is used like a carrot to entice the student of the Mystery Schools up the latter of degrees. This Lost Word is sometimes called the Name of God… Yet the “Royal Secret” is never actually imparted to the neophyte as it was lost to them; remaining only as golden images like this Egyptian one showing the phallus of Osiris, or the Obelisk and also the Circumpunct.
Meanwhile, Herodotus the Father of History records that this same Hercules (Nimrod), whose name means for the glory of Hera— “is an ancient god” known first by the Egyptians and also having temples in Tyre that extended back “two thousand three hundred years” to the founding of the city of Tyre of Phoenicia. Since we know that Herodotus lived around 450 BC we can extend that period to the founding of Tyre at around 2750 BC about 250 years after the Noahdic Flood. This would place Hercules (Latin) or Herakles (Greek) at about the time of Nimrod.

The “wax cones” with their golden sun corona streaming down crown this Egyptian couples head too. These ‘Cap Stones’ are the Egyptian way of saying “we are under the spirit of the Sacrament Psilocybin.” Psilocybin has the additionally rare attribute of being one of the few Sacraments that has universally been given a set of eyes—denoting consciousness. The Egyptian woman and the funeral flowers at center show these windows of the soul. Besides Psilocybin, Blue Lilly and Mandrakes are also displayed above.
This completes our study of Egypt and the tracing of the silver lining of Religion through this part of history. Keep in mind the things you have learned as they will find niches all along the historical latter we are ascending and descending... Next time we go to the East (the Mason's will like that) and India!
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