The Scallop shell is a universal symbol for the Psilocybin mushrooms. The key denoting Psilocybin is the ‘mushroom scrolls’ curving back toward the shell—natural scallops have strait line T-bar hinges. The above Jewish Breastplate was worn by the High Priest. The enlarged images are drawn from this plate are of the scallop shell and of human hands making the outline of the Hand of God. Between the chief most scallop shell and the hands are the Ten Commandments. Moses stated that these laws were given to him by the Finger of God. It is not being suggested that Moses hallucinated God’s Laws but that with the five senses opened Moses heard God’s voice and was given the Laws. Certainly the ‘blackened mountain’ and the ‘split rock’ were no hallucination. God is real, His Name is real, but “if God had a name would you ‘call it to His face?’ Would you want to know? If knowing ‘meant that you would have to believe in things like Jesus and the Saints and all the Prophets?’ -Joan Osborne — “One of Us.” It is a narrow and lonely path at times but it is the only one by which we can enter the ‘kingdom of heaven’ while still on earth. Chama’s means Hand of God.
No doubt you have heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These scrolls were Torah scrolls preserved by a little known group of Jewish ascetics—the Essecens. Josephus writes of this religious order as a goodly people who set themselves apart from the world. He also writes that the Essecens believed in “edible oracles” which in plane English is the God created Sacraments. The above Torah’s “pointer sticks” display very clear knowledge of the religious use of the Poppy and the Psilocybin mushrooms in Judaism. The left most upper Torah “pointers” are topped with Opium Poppy capsules and crowned with the pointed caps of Psilocybes. Interestingly the botany student may detect how these two physically complement each other. For the top of the Opium capsule is crossed as the spokes of a wheel while the immediate underside of a Psilocybin mushrooms gills complement this “wheel” pattern eminently well. Some species of Poppy, especially those that grow in the Jewish and Arabian country side are even decorated with a purple fuzz that lines the crowning wheel pattern as though spore dust had settled on them. This Poppy incidentally is the one after which the Brides dress is modeled, taking its red color (as apposed to white) from the ‘flowers of the field.’ Like a Bridegroom from his tent the male principle rises from the grail cup of the “Temple Coin” during the Maccabean period. As for Mammon (money), the Hebrews worked diligently to stamp their coins with the images of the Poppy and the True Vine. Perhaps to encourage the people to “buy what is good and not to sell it.” Solomon, speaking in metaphor said “if you find honey, eat just enough—too much and you will vomit” -Proverbs.
On the right both column capitals were found in ancient Israel, the upper comes from the palace of Jehoiakim who was installed as king of Judah by the conquering pharaoh Necho II in 608 BC. The lower column-capital comes from Megiddo and dates between 11-7th Centuries BCE.
The Circumpunct set in a pair at the top of each have already been deciphered for us by ‘The Rosetta Stone of Psychedelics’ as the caps of Psilocybe mushrooms. But the triangle is an interesting development in the Proto-Aeolic capitals. In Egypt our greatest association with triangles comes from the pyramids and of those the Great Pyramid of Gaza is the king. That pyramid has no capstone… Here we see the crown of creation, the capstone being displayed as the Lily. On the left we have an ivory carving of a Sphinx; the riddle then is that these lilies also have the triangle or capstone carved into their base. In the Battle Hymn of the Republic we read: “In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea.”
That the Egyptian’s, Hebrews, Greeks and other cultures might “know His Name” God raised up Egypt. Interestingly, Egypt was the name of one of Noah’s descendants: The sons of Ham were: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.
The Aeolic column capitals were considered proto-ionic—setting the stage for the Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles to come. As indicated above these Judaic stone pillar caps echo histories lost knowledge. Lost because of persecution and because of the ancient lawyers… Jesus is recorded as having said "Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering." - Luke 11:52
In Song of Songs 2:1, Solomon records God’s description of Himself as “I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.” For the true Capstone is made is the very likeness of the male phallus—the image of God—after which we circumcise, making our image more like His own. Circumcision is practiced by Jew, Muslim and Christian alike for this reason or are we to believe that the Creator designed us poorly and that for shame we cut ourselves to improve upon His work?
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