
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#15 - The Hebrews & God's Name

The Scallop shell is a universal symbol for the Psilocybin mushrooms.  The key denoting Psilocybin is the ‘mushroom scrolls’ curving back toward the shell—natural scallops have strait line T-bar hinges.  The above Jewish Breastplate was worn by the High Priest.  The enlarged images are drawn from this plate are of the scallop shell and of human hands making the outline of the Hand of God.  Between the chief most scallop shell and the hands are the Ten Commandments.  Moses stated that these laws were given to him by the Finger of God.  It is not being suggested that Moses hallucinated God’s Laws but that with the five senses opened Moses heard God’s voice and was given the Laws.  Certainly the ‘blackened mountain’ and the ‘split rock’ were no hallucination.  God is real, His Name is real, but “if God had a name would you ‘call it to His face?’  Would you want to know?  If knowing ‘meant that you would have to believe in things like Jesus and the Saints and all the Prophets?’  -Joan Osborne — “One of Us.”  It is a narrow and lonely path at times but it is the only one by which we can enter the ‘kingdom of heaven’ while still on earth.  Chama’s means Hand of God.

No doubt you have heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  These scrolls were Torah scrolls preserved by a little known group of Jewish ascetics—the Essecens.  Josephus writes of this religious order as a goodly people who set themselves apart from the world.  He also writes that the Essecens believed in “edible oracles” which in plane English is the God created Sacraments.  The above Torah’s “pointer sticks” display very clear knowledge of the religious use of the Poppy and the Psilocybin mushrooms in Judaism.  The left most upper Torah “pointers” are topped with Opium Poppy capsules and crowned with the pointed caps of Psilocybes.  Interestingly the botany student may detect how these two physically complement each other.  For the top of the Opium capsule is crossed as the spokes of a wheel while the immediate underside of a Psilocybin mushrooms gills complement this “wheel” pattern eminently well.  Some species of Poppy, especially those that grow in the Jewish and Arabian country side are even decorated with a purple fuzz that lines the crowning wheel pattern as though spore dust had settled on them.  This Poppy incidentally is the one after which the Brides dress is modeled, taking its red color (as apposed to white) from the ‘flowers of the field.’  Like a Bridegroom from his tent the male principle rises from the grail cup of the “Temple Coin” during the Maccabean period.  As for Mammon (money), the Hebrews worked diligently to stamp their coins with the images of the Poppy and the True Vine.  Perhaps to encourage the people to “buy what is good and not to sell it.”  Solomon, speaking in metaphor said “if you find honey, eat just enough—too much and you will vomit” -Proverbs.

On the right both column capitals were found in ancient Israel, the upper comes from the palace of Jehoiakim who was installed as king of Judah by the conquering pharaoh Necho II in 608 BC.  The lower column-capital comes from Megiddo and dates between 11-7th Centuries BCE.
The Circumpunct set in a pair at the top of each have already been deciphered for us by ‘The Rosetta Stone of Psychedelics’ as the caps of Psilocybe mushrooms.  But the triangle is an interesting development in the Proto-Aeolic capitals.  In Egypt our greatest association with triangles comes from the pyramids and of those the Great Pyramid of Gaza is the king.  That pyramid has no capstone…  Here we see the crown of creation, the capstone being displayed as the Lily.  On the left we have an ivory carving of a Sphinx; the riddle then is that these lilies also have the triangle or capstone carved into their base.  In the Battle Hymn of the Republic we read: “In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea.” 
That the Egyptian’s, Hebrews, Greeks and other cultures might “know His Name” God raised up Egypt.  Interestingly, Egypt was the name of one of Noah’s descendants: The sons of Ham were: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.
The Aeolic column capitals were considered proto-ionic—setting the stage for the Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles to come.  As indicated above these Judaic stone pillar caps echo histories lost knowledge.  Lost because of persecution and because of the ancient lawyers…  Jesus is recorded as having said "Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering." - Luke 11:52
In Song of Songs 2:1, Solomon records God’s description of Himself as “I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.”  For the true Capstone is made is the very likeness of the male phallus—the image of God—after which we circumcise, making our image more like His own.  Circumcision is practiced by Jew, Muslim and Christian alike for this reason or are we to believe that the Creator designed us poorly and that for shame we cut ourselves to improve upon His work?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

#14 - Egyptian & Greek Mythology Demistified Via Psychedelics

History Moves West
Changing As It Does

"Herakles is the first great “master in the earth” from Genesis, Nimrod, transplanted to Greek soil. The Hebrew word for Nimrod means rebel. Greek artists depicted Herakles as carrying out a successful rebellion directed against Nereus, the Greek Noah. At that time, Noah’s was the only system to rebel against. Victorious rebels become heroes and replace one system with a different one. The meaning of the great hero’s name in Greek explains his new system as concisely as possible: Herakles means “the glory of Hera.” Hera’s glory was her place in the Greek pantheon as the queen of all mankind. Herakles’ rebellion replaced the authority of Noah with the authority of the gods of Zeus-religion." - The Parthenon Code  

As we have seen, knowledge of the three humans esteemed as Gods Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (generally a bad idea) was effectively transferred to Egyptians under the titles Osiris, Isis and Horus.  Further documented evidence of this cultural transfer comes from the numerology found in both stories.  In both accounts it was 72 "conspirators" who gathered together to bring an end to Nimrod/Osiris.  There is a lot more connecting the Biblical account of Nimrod to Egypt's Osiris - such as that each were cut into 14 pieces at their deaths - but alas I haven't got Egyptian history on the plate today.

However, what we are going to look into is the way the legacy of Nimrod was taken into the West by the Greek's and Etruscan's.

Now Nimrod, was a mighty hunter before the Lord (that is to say against God).  It was Nimrod who initially slew the lions and predatory animals from around the villages in the flood planes of ancient Samaria.   This you would think is a good thing - and it certainly earned him the good will of the people in the villages.  However, he took this vested interest and set himself up as their king - before that every man was as a king and every woman a queen in their own house hold.  He constructed the first walled cities - as testified to in the surviving 5000 year old records - the Dead Sea Scrolls.

After his demise at the hands of his uncle and the 72 conspirators - the people, were then abouts left unable to communicate effectively and split up into different factions - probably from the low level consumption of sacraments without proper faith as evidenced in the silver dish showing one man on the back of another constructing a tower with fish and mushrooms all around.  Granted - the use of Psilocybin at low levels most always gives you additional strength/energy and some added creativity - but used outside the Dusty's prescription - one tends to wonder off into ones own private universe - there being no common rule of thought.  Out of this disbanded people the Greeks and Etruscan's moved west into modern day Greece and Italy. They carried with them the legends of a 'strong man' who faced many trials.  This man was always clothed in lion skins (which Nimrod gained his fame for slaying).  Below are some of the relics from Etruscan and Greek art history.

But first a little geography - the first waves of Etruscan migrants arrived around 2000 BC.  Early records indicate that these people came from the Anatolia region - which is modern day Turkey and the location of Noah's Ark.  This idea has been debated but both the DNA studies of the descendant cattle they brought to Italy match Anatolia and the historical data found in Herodotus indicate Anatolia.  It would like wise appear that the Etruscan's arrived first - for it was their people who when the Greek and Etruscan cultures combined had the earliest kings. 

As stated above both cultures - Greek and Etruscan - carried with them legends of a lion skin wearing warrior named Hercules.  Now the name Hercules (Roman) comes from the Greek word Heracles, which means 'for the glory of Hera' - a title that will prove important later.  As the case stands - one of Hercules tasks was the over throw of a being called Nereus.  Now this Nereus is an interesting cat - his name means 'The Wet One.'  The West Point graduate Robert Bowie Johnson's book The Parthenon Code shows that the Greek's and Etruscan's flipped the story of the Garden of Eden around to show it in a positive - human/ancestor deifying light.  In his work he carefully illustrates that Nereus was Noah who had survived the Flood.  So it is from Noah/Nereus that Greek version of Nimrod/Hercules is shown repeatedly in art - taking the mantle of authority from and forcing Noah to tell him the way of Cain and the secret knowledge of the Winged Serpent (Lucifer) - often shown as a Bearded Serpent in Greek culture - This winged or bearded ("wise") serpent is a reference to the LSD like Serpent Plant or Morning Glory.  Below artworks show this struggle:

Nimrod shown subduing Noah as Nersus (often denoted by the Fish Symbol).  While below this Hercules - whose name again means  'For the Glory of Hera after the deification of the fallen Eve or Athena - extracts the knowledge of the Flying Serpent Plant from Noah's head (knowledge).

 Above we see the classic Greek symbols denoting not only Nimrod/Hercules but also the Morning Glory snake like symbol - which are it's tendrils - remarkable because this "snake plant" could not stand up on it's own (think Genesis).   Below is a discovery made by Richard Evens Schultz - once head of the Harvard Botany Department from his book Plants of the Gods - The statue is of Xochipilli - Prince of Flowers - which I have dubbed 'The Rosetta Stone of Psychedelics.'

 Nereus struggling with Heracles, detail from a Greek water jar found at Vulci, c. 490 bc. A discerning eye will notice the Morning Glory flowers and tendrils at the jar bottom.

Here we see that Nereus holding the Fish Symbol but is being displayed not in his symbolic form as a Merman but was indeed a man as most all of the Greek gods were men and women - deified ancestors and gods as Plato called them (the method of this "transcendence" is called Apotheosis - that is, to become a "God" by the Mystery Schools who follow the New World Order typed out in their book - The Learned Elders of Zion.  

What a mouth full...  Sheesh sorry bout that

One last transformation that the Greek and Etruscan histories preformed is that of telling us about the Biblical line of Seth.  Seth's line were the first to start calling on The Name of the Lord (Psilocybin) after Eden but before the Flood.  Both the Egyptians and the Greeks kindled a special hatred for this line - who preformed the Giant task of building the Great Pyramid to warn and educate us & to survive the Deluge).  The Greek/Etruscan legacy remolds Seth's line as the Centaurs while the Egyptian's refer to Seth as the evil god sometimes called Set who killed and dismembered Osiris.  
Now horses were probably chosen because Seth's Line learned to love and tend to these animals and not the least of which reason was for that which grew on their dung.  The wood chips are commonly used to control horse manure stench.

Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

#13 - The Names of the Arch Angels

The Sacred Names of the Archangels Explaining the Mysteries by Matthalamew
The untangling of the Archangels Names will do much to promote a new understanding of religion and bring to baring the in-equity held against practices of the First Amendment –The Right To Your Own Religious Practices. For a long time now humanity has wondered at what role the Psychedelics have played in Religion. It is an absolutely fair question because psychedelics induce visionary states and religious experiences. Mean while books like the Quran, Veda’s and the Holy Bible are filled with people having visions and religious experiences… The correlations are too common and too self evident to ignore any longer (spiritual blindness must end -the captives must be set free- or we as a species may well self extinguish). Here is the blessed evidence – assuming you have eyes to see such great heights. *Claus –(no not Santa) If your going to try and make one of these Angel’s carry you for your for life (addiction) your missing the point – Christ brings freedom not slavery. God will meet you half way but you have to do your share! Discernment is the light needed here - discernment - you are the only one who knows you! If it ain't natural it isn't put here by God - and some of the Angels went bad...

There are four major Angels who surround God – they are called Archangels. Once there were five but as you may know – one fell... Lucifer the ‘light barer’ whose name is the “Snake Plant” or Morning Glory - whose chemical cousin is LSD. These are names folks not the actual spirits... - this isn't a way to escape - we are spiritual beings and there is an after life - we can not escape - stand and deliver... Angels were designed by God to be "Ministering spirits" - IE they are here to help us not put us on a stretcher and carry us for life. Ahem... So the four Angels who remain(ed) with God and who are here for humanities protection as ministering spirits - each have a name “plant” or “plants” by which they can be called. Don't worry they are all cool. Which of you says when your leg is broke or you "wisdom" teeth are being pulled - "no no no drugs = there is a war against them and I'm a good guy/gal - please mister no drugs! = zero!" So... Without further ado I give you -the names of the Archangels!

The Archangel Michael: Michael’s name plant is Marijuana. He is “The most prominent and greatest angel in Christian, Hebrew and Islamic lore. His name in Hebrew means “who is like God” or “who is as God.” When you smoke or eat Cannabis you are actively calling him into your temple. It is Michael who is rallying God’s angels to himself and wagging war on the “Masters of the Universe” or fallen angels who are causing such trouble for humankind. Already his fire is burning around the earth and State’s Rights are being established in Colorado and Washington to honor his name. Below are some descriptions of Michael taken from history and found in the “Encyclopedia of Angels” by Rosemary Ellen Guiley. As the "insiders" like Bill Clinton know - the first time you smoke pot you don’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Rudolph Steiner points out in his research that “Michael does not work so much for the initiate as for those who wish to understand spiritual investigations.” According to Steiner “human evolution has been under the guidance of Michael as the Spirit of the Age since 1879.” Michael’s numerical name reference is 420, his universal symbol is the Sativa Leaf and his symbolic sea shell is the Sand Dollar - why? Because it looks like the leaf like icon on a sand-dollar and its a $$ maker. “Because Michael will win the battle with the Dragon (think all that's messed up with the System and Society)…, the spiritual will more and more lay hold of humanity, and spiritual truth will take root among men.” “The Yalqut Genesis and the Pirqe Rabbi Eliezer say that it is Michael who fights with JACOB at Peniel (emphasis mine). When God asks Michael, “What have you done to my first-born son?” Michael answers, “I shrank a sinew in your honor.” God says, “It is good. Henceforth, until the end of time, you shall have charge of Israel and his posterity! For the prince of angels should guard the prince of men; fire should guard fire, and head should guard head!” -and the Anointing oil of the Holy Bible still lists the "Sugar Magnolia" in its properties. According to Islamic Lore (and we rediscovered Marijuana from the Arabs) “Michael’s wings are emerald-green and covered with saffron hairs…” Hopefully you've had a chance to look at the emerald green buds and see these saffron hairs...(ibin; 1996 pages128-130).

  Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel’s name plant is the Poppy. He is “one of the three principal angels of Christianity, and figures prominently in Judaic, Christian and Islamic angelology.” His name means “hero of God” or “the mighty one” in Hebrew. “Gabriel is the angel of revelation, wisdom, mercy, redemption and promise. He sits at the left hand of God. In the Old Testament he is named as a frequent visitor of Daniel, producing prophetic visions of apocalyptic proportion (Daniel 8:16, 9:21). Gabriel’s name is an incense that when smoked or otherwise prepared produces states of relaxation and calm – a perfect state to be in when vision of apocalyptic nature are to be encountered. I know I know... If this is the Truth who can afford it? But think of the price of not buying the truth... A long life with nothing but kids who put you in a nursing home to show for it. It's time we start going home as a people - its our birth right. Know thy self and thy Maker and you know everyone else. “In the New Testament, Gabriel’s name is given to Zechariah…” Who was the high priest of the time and was designated to burn “incense” to the Most High alone in the temple. Accordingly Gabriel says “I am Gabriel who stand(s) in God’s presence when he announces the coming birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:26).” It is also attributed to Gabriel the angelic visitation of Mary where he announces the coming birth of Jesus - whose name will be covered another time... Hidden Manna. Opium’s milk like nature is thought to be the kingdom of heaven’s ‘land of milk and honey’ – where “milk” refers to the milk of the Poppy- After all the tide of orgasm is opiate based... “Gabriel also figures prominently in ISLAMIC ANELOLOGY, where he is equated with the Holy Spirit.” A peace that surpasses understanding is recorded in the Psalms of David. It was Gabriel who dictated the Koran to MUHAMMAD. Islamic theosophy indicates that Gabriel is the Angel of Knowledge and Revelation and to this day it is the Arab nations (Afghanistan) that produce the majority of the raw Opium for the world. “Gabriel’s is a mild and loving gaze, his gesture one of blessing.” His symbolic name is the Acanthus Leaf which is really a stylized Opium leaf and not Acanthus at all. Most ancient temples were decorated with Gabriel’s Acanthus leaves on their column capitals and are commonly called Corinthian Capitals today. His symbolic seashell is the Sea Urchin and the Thistle as well as the Pomegranate are also attributed to him. taken from the “Encyclopedia of Angels” by Rosemary Ellen Guiley.

 Archangel Raphael: Raphael’s name plants are the healing herbs typified by Mandrake. “Raphael is one of the principal angels in Judeo-Christian angelologies, accorded the rank of archangel. Raphael’s name originates from the Hebrew rapha, which means healer or doctor, thus Raphael is “the shining one who heals”; also “the medicine of God.” It is not by accident that the ancient Latin doctors titled the main storage tank of Serotonin the raphe nuclei. “He is entrusted with the physical well-being of earth and its human inhabitants, and is said to be the friendliest of the angels. He is the angel of the evening winds, guardian of the Tree of Life, and the angel of prayer, peace, joy, light and love.” According to several rabbinic sources, Raphael gave a pearl or book bound in sapphires to Noah which contains all knowledge of the stars, the art of healing and the mastery of demons. As the angel who watches over humanities health and well being – he is the perfect candidate for healing herbs, which are too many to name. Golden Seal, Garlic and Ginseng being just a few. The quotes about Raphael were taken from the “Encyclopedia of Angels” by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – page 168. Archangel Uriel:

Uriel’s name plant is Wine and spirits of alcohol. When the Bible makes reference to “Wine and Spirits” it isn’t the spirits of hard alcohol as the distiller wasn’t yet invented. Spirits means those “plants” which uplift our spirit. Uriel “in noncanonical literature is one of the most important angels, described variously as an archangel, a seraph and a cherub. The name “Uriel” probably means “Fire of God” or “God is my light.”” Uriel is easy to remember because his name rhymes with urinal – as in the song ‘pissing the night away’ or the English term ‘pissed’ for drunk with the spirits of alcohol. It is also true that “Uriel is portrayed as a stern and punishing angel. The prophet ENOCH said that he is head of the seven archangels and presides over Tartarus or Hell. Here we have only to recall the words of Peter Tosh’s song “Sinner Man” – “You drink addiction pain and laugh all along that day…” “He also appears as a “benign angel” who attacks Moses for not observing the circumcision rite of his son. Uriel served as a guide to both Enoch and Noah. In the Prayer of Joseph, part of the PSEUDEPIGRAPHA, Uriel states, “I have come down to earth to make my dwelling among men, and I AM called Jacob by name” (ibid, 195). “Uriel reveals heavenly mysteries to Ezra and answers weighty questions (in vino es veritas) about evil and justice. He serves as a guide ot the luminaries.” He also appears in the qumrun scrolls, ‘this angel is set apart as one of the four leaders of the “War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness,’ The human warriors are given exact instructions on who is to fight where, with weapons described carefully. “There are four subdivisions, and each is to have the name of his archangel inscribed on his shield.” Descriptions in quotes taken from the “Encyclopedia of Angels” by Rosemary Ellen Guiley pages 195-196.

The Angel of the Lord who came in the form of God’s unique Son is Lord of all of these angels – and his name is the Name. We call it the Psilocybin Mushrooms today but it was know as the Heavenly Manna to the Apostles and also as the Hidden Manna (see Revelation). That name is the Fountain of Vitality, the Lambs Bread which rises without yeast and if for our inner cleansing. See the John Hopkins University studies on Psilocybin if you’re seeking up.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

#12 - The Sumarian's, Civilization Reformed & Split Up (Tower of Bable Review)

The general thrust here is to show how society organized around religion via the use of sacraments like Psilocybin and how civilization was reborn out of that practice.  This chapter is given in three stages - the Beginning or Restart of Civilization above, the Middle and as it were corruption of that Civilization into the worship of Nimrod, Simmeramious and Tamus (aka Osirus, Isis and Horus) and the reflections humanity gave to that period.  Namely the attempt to make it look better...  Next we will look at the dispirsion and legends of this period - how different peoples preserved this time (Tower of Babel).

Monday, May 14, 2012

#11 - East Indian Religion & Sacraments

40,000 years ago mankind gathered the bluing Psilocybin mushrooms from the tropical climate of India—As a ‘long lasting food’ and the wealth of cattle.  Naturally enough, these mushrooms sprang up in and around cow pastures.  At around 2,000 BC Nordic Tribes of Aryan’s invaded the Indus Valley bring with them the “Red Bull of the Mountain.”  Soma, originally Psilocybin was now Soma—Amanita muscaria.  The original Soma was renamed Indu by the mixed culture.  Later a vine crept into the mix, Argyreia nervosa of the Morning Glory Family—Symbolized again as the universal  Conch Shell.  “Ye will not find him who produced these creatures: another thing hath risen up among you.  Enwrapt in misty cloud, with lips that stammer, hymn-chanters wander and are discontented” (Moore, 1957:18).  The lotus symbol at left with the circumpunct set in its center is a highly stylized East Indian symbol for the Psilocybin mushroom—often it is shown held aloft in the right hand of various Hindu deities.  The morphine like substance found in certain lilies was also very likely to have been known by these peoples.
The start of East Indian religion traditionally stems from the Aryan invasion of the Indus Valley.  However, prior to the arrival of the Aryans a civilized people existed in the Indus valley called the Dravidians or Harappens.  This society had developed stone buildings, cities, plumbing and the agricultural techniques of farming.  These dark skinned people migrated into the Indus Valley around 4000 BC as Hunters and Gathers (a timeline in congruent with Noah’s flood 3200BC—did the Flood not extend to India or is the date of migration off?) .  Above are some of the clay seals and sculptures these people created.  At the top left is a Harappen clay seal of an elephant, and a symbol of what looks like an upside down Psilocybe cubensis as yet unopened is set.  Surprisingly, Cubensis and other Psilocybin containing mushrooms do grow on elephant dung.  Below this seal another elephant is displayed with images of upright flying-fish.  It may well be that the ‘civilizer’ of Samarian culture was also the teacher of the early Harappen culture.  Baskets sit before other species on whose dung grow these sacred mushrooms.  A Harappen “Priest-King” wares a cow hide garment, perhaps the ‘holiness’ ascribed to cattle in India today originally came from the dependable mushrooms common to the bovine.  Aside from cattle and elephants, rhino's and other large grass grazers produce the means by which Psilocybin grows.  The Dream Catcher-like symbol is another common hieroglyph of these seals and looks very much like the underside of a mushroom.
The top right seal is an early Harappen design of a cattle-like creature, above it resides as picturesque a representation of a Psilocybin mushroom as can be expected of this clay medium.  Given the date of four thousand years back into antiquity and the medium of clay impressionism it is not bad anyway.  At top center we have clay devotees much like the Sumerian statues, showing a cultural continuance perhaps.   To the right of the devotees a Harappen seal showing a three ungulate or herbivore. All three produce dung on which Psilocybes thrive.  At lower center a shaman with three faces sits in cosmic meditation, an eaten apple core supports him while three psilocybin producing herbivores: water buffalo, rhino and elephant symbolically surround him.  His head is crowned with water buffalo horns and a mushroom-like effigy emerges from its center while a lion roars next to him.  The lion (tiger) represents the ‘fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom.’  No one enters into the Sacrament without this fear, it is the circumstantial reverence one has when ‘laying down ones life -in order to save it.’  The tiger on the left also has a basket (indicating ‘to gather’) set in front of it, aligning it with the herbivores.  Tigers like lions were universally associated with the God encountered thru Psilocybin, causing the “Overcomer” to become ’lionized.’  By extension the tiger on the right, also of Harappen creation, has been given a pair of cattle horns to point out this association.  Above the lion is a simplified geometric cap and what looks like a primitive sift—for juicing.  These sifts or strainers were consistently developed in Harappen seals.

Amanita muscaria has unique properties in that it commonly removes fear and the emotion of empathy from its practitioners range of emotions.  However it requires a good deal of knowledge to prepare it.  Some believe that Amanita muscaria gathered under Birch trees does not have the toxic qualities causing nausea, vomiting and delirium.  Specifically, that these mushrooms when found growing on Pine trees absorb the turpentine qualities common to Pines.  Others stress that one must roast or otherwise dry Amanita muscaria to transform the active ingredient from one state to another specifically from muscimol to ibotenic acid.  Which ever the case, and both may be true—the Veda’s make no reference to fire roasting or drying the Aryan Soma but rather talk about pressing the plants juice out in wooden vats with filters arguing for the Birch vs. Pine hypothesis.  Above we see the Aryan Soma or Red Bull with the wooden bowl and spotted mushroom cap turned upside down.  The reason for not making it more obvious, but for turning the mushroom upside down and conjoining it with the crushing or pounding stike and wooden bowl is a case of security through obscurity.  Only those with ‘eyes to see’ will know what the seal says.  A flying fish is seen over the left bulls head, harking back to Oannes or the “Man Teaching Fish” and further demonstrating that Psychedelic State was the traditional college where one might receive a higher education.

The foundation of East Indian religion is tradition is originally thought to have stemmed from the Aryan invasion of the Indus Valley.  However, this is clearly inaccurate as the Harappen society was highly developed prior to the arrival of the Aryan influx.  If anything the Aryan’s brought a more restrictive society into being, dominated by the Brahmans.  As a classed society it was predominantly controlled by the white skinned Aryan’s who had the advantage of advanced knowledge in warfare with horse driven chariots and iron weapons.  A knowledge which they gathered by means all too transparent now.  The above clay seal shows the bull and the spotted cap, stem and annulus (skirt-like ring on the stalk).  The pressing stick and wooden bowl are also present and have been turned right side up for closer inspection.  Above we see the mountain mushroom with stick, the crushing bowl with stick inserted, the filter and a more modern wooden bowl with pressing stick.  This is the root of the Hindu religion from which the Caste System was born and a bitter root it is indeed.
In rare cases, Hindu court paintings showed a reversal of the Caste System, rather than knowledge, law and order going from the top down it came from the bottom up.  India today is famous for its seeks and ascetics, much as it was in the days of the Aryan take over of the Indus Valley.  The above court painting shows two well to do white skinned Brahmins sitting as students outside the golden hut of a Yogi.  The Yogi’s skin is blue-grey and the dark clouds above display stylized lightning bolts.  The Yogi’s skin color tells us that he has used the naturally bluing Psilocybin mushrooms to transform his consciousness.  These devotees must have impressed their teacher for he shared with them the ‘key to enlightenment.’  Back at their own plush houses these Brahmin’s are shown with deep blue skin themselves and one extends a golden capped mushroom to his ‘enlightenment curious’ partner.  See ColdPlay’s song “Yes.” In Clark Heinrich’s ‘praise to Amanita muscaria’ - titled “Strange Fruit” he records: “Yoga philosophy mentions drug-plants as one of the valid means of attaining Siddhi, or supernatural power obtained from the practice of Samadhi.”

In ancient times the Prophets were called Seers, much is recorded about them in the earliest written religious texts.  It is widely believed that “the seers realized that true religion comprehends all religions, so that “God is one but men call him by many names.”  To this we add that the pre deluge peoples “knew God but did not count Him as such.”  While others may mistake the preternatural for the supernatural or less caustically but still in error—honor a supernatural being from God (Angel) as God Himself.  But now lets look at what the Seers say about divinity in the Vedas:
To Soma Pavamana [Self-Purifying Soma]
4. Splendid by Law! declaring Law, truth-speaking, truthful in thy works, Enouncing faith, king Soma!...
To Vayu
Whatever sin is found in me, whatever evil I have wrought, If I have lied or falsely sworn, Waters, remove it far from me.
To Indra
Eternal Law hath varied food that strengthens; thought of eternal law removes transgressions.
By holy law long lasting food they bring us; by holy law have cows come to our worship.
Men have abstained from pouring juice; they count not Indra as a god.

It is note worth to take measure of the focus on truthfulness, Law (you can’t have civilization without it), the removal of sin/transgressions, and the hint that Eternal Law has varied foods…  True also is the fact that Indra was a bluing god.  Above at left Vishnu holds what appears to be the Sacrament Psilocybin in his right hand.  For more on the Right Handed Path vs. the Left Handed Path see Neil Finn's "Left Hand" Produced by Mushroom Records.
As time passed and Hindu culture grew into a much larger and necessarily more structured society. The symbolic representation of Psilocybin and the Morning Glory became more stylized.  Above at left is a very old stature of Vishnu in which the Psilocybin mushroom can be fairly clearly seen to have a proper likeness to its natural state.  The Morning Glory is also more clearly represented as the ‘question mark’ tendril; combining elements of the Conch Shell with the coiled serpent.  The more modern metal statue of Vishnu on the right shows a highly stylized lily or lotus wheel representing the Psilocybe mushrooms while the Serpent plant is now only a ‘tri-flowered question mark’ signifying the left handed path.  Above on the left this stylized Morning Glory’s flowers are now represented as flames.  Later in a variation of the Buddhist traditions you will see these flaming flower depicted on the third eye or above the head of certain Buddha’s with the tendril within it...
Above a very modern image of Vishnu continues the tradition of showing the Psychedelic name plants in their highly stylized forms.  The wheel in the top right hand still represents Psilocybe but now it’s center shows the crown of the Poppy.  While the lower right hand displays the stem and Poppy capsule.  The left hand hold up the Morning Glory stylized Conch Shell and below that the morphine containing pink lily (much like the blue lily of the Nile: Nymphaea Caerulea). In some lilies the relevant narcotic-like part appears to be the root, in others the stalk, and in others the flower itself.  Speaking in thhe common tongue we are looking at the names of Angels: The Angel of the Lord (Psilocybin), Gabriel (Opium Poppy & Lily?), and Lucifer (Morning Glory).  
“Man winneth faith by yearnings of the heart, and opulence by faith.”
-Tenth Veda x.151 (Griffith)

So concludes our study of the East India where the Right Handed and Left Handed Paths have left their mark...  Next we will look at the lesser explored cultures of to the West of India and North of Egypt...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

# 10 - Egyptian History & the Psychedelic Religions

As we step into Egyptian history we are faced with a challenge; some research suggests that Egyptian history was pre-deluge in origin.  Still, as with this example of the Narmer plate, we don’t know exactly how old it is.  As such it seems better to except the possibility of Egypt’s history being older than 3,200 B.C.  Anyway, let’s begin with the Bull,  classically associated with Amanita muscaria—Known to the ancient East Indians as “The Red Bull of the Mountain.”  Narmer is considered to be the first Pharaoh of united Egypt.  Here we see him marching with the crown of the South—The symbol of the Morning Glory—its spiral tendril so carefully depicted on Xochipilli the Aztec statue deciphered by the Harvard Botinist Richard E. Shultez.  Hence, Xochipilli has become the Rosetta Stone of Psychedelics.  Notice the Egyptians taming of the long necked lions…  Lions and lionization are closely linked to Psilocybin as we say in the Olmec culture (prior to the blending).  In front of Narmer walks a “long haired shaman” with “mushrooms hanging from his neck” as Adrian Morgan points out in Toads and Toadstools.  There are other symbols tied into this early Pharaoh’s record of conquest, but for now the Bull, the Lions, and the Spiral Tendril will foot the bill so to speak.
Khufu (2589-2566 BC) was the 4th Dynasty (2613-2498) Pharaoh who is claimed to have been the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Originally, the Great Pyramid stood 481 feet (146.6 m) tall. Although commonly called Cheops (and also Suphis) because of the late Greek influence on Egypt, the name Khufu is the original ancient Egyptian name for this king as demonstrated by his own cartouche (where was the cartouche found?  The author did not say) Khufu, seems to have reigned for approximately 24 years.

Although the Great pyramid has such fame, little is actually known about its builder, Khufu. Ironically, only a very small statue of 9 cm has been found depicting this historic ruler. This statue, pictured above, was not found in Giza near the pyramid, but was found to the south at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, the ancient necropolis...

Why, if Khufu of the Egyptians was the builder of the Great Pyramid is there only one tiny statue of him left to us from history? 
Here is what scholars say about the antiquity of the Great Pyramid:
“Other researchers have observed radio carbon dating that places the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx at much older, pre-deluge dates.  In the words of one researcher: “the builders were either the Ice Age Civilization of 36,525 to 11,600 years ago, or, at the latest,  a part of a global Early Human Civilization that broke up about 6,000 years ago, and that the Giza Sphinx and Pyramids were already built about 5,100 years ago when Menes reunited Lower Egypt, including Giza, with Southern Upper Egypt.
 Mark Lehner also says "... Since most of the outer casing [of the Great Pyramid] is missing what you see now  is the step-like structure of the core.... they didn't join the [core] stones very accurately.
      ... I noticed that in the interstices between the stones and in this mortar was embedded organic material, like charcoal, probably from the fire that they used to heat the gypsum in order to make the mortar. ...we saw in many places ... fragments of tools, bits of pottery ... characteristic of the Old Kingdom. ... we did a first [radiocarbon dating] run in 1984 ... of some 70 samples from a whole selection of pyramids of the Old Kingdom ... getting dates ... that were on the average 374 years too old for the Cambridge Ancient History ... dates [such as 2550 BC for Khufu]."
 Mark Lehner in 1986 said (Hancock and Bauval, Message of the Sphinx, Crown 1996, p. 307) that 15 mortar samples from the Great Pyramid were dated by radioactivity at ... dates [that] run from 3809 BC to 2869 BC ... significantly earlier than the best Egyptological date for Khufu ... almost like a Bell curve ... when you cut it down the middle ... 400 to 450 years too early ..."
 In my opinion, when Menes reunited Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, with a capital in the Abydos-Luxor-Thebes region, around 5,100 years ago, the Southern Upper Egyptians (whose culture was more advanced technologically in areas from copper working to constructing walled cities) came into control of the Giza area and its preexisting Pyramids and Sphinx. “
The discovery of this boat buried at the base of the great pyramid suggests what author Noah Hutchings states in his book “The Great Pyramid—Prophecy in Stone.”  Namely that one of the two pillars erected by the sons of Seth before the flood was the Pyramid itself.  It is recorded in Scripture that one monument of clay and one of fire was built to the survivors of God’s cleansing.  The visionaries of Seth's line saw the destruction of the world by either fire or flood—unable to decide which they built a monument of clay and one of stone.  Stone survives water while clay withstands fire…  A boat buried at the base of the Great Pyramid of stone could indicate an awareness that only a boat could survive the deluge. 
Since this Pyramid stands on the old border that divided Lower and Upper Egypt it could well have been a standing monument when the Egyptians first arrived.  One thing is for certain, no Egyptians ever has built a monument of equal caliber to it.  The Prophet records the following in reference to it:
Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee…  Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day –Jeremiah 32:17,20
“During the first dynasty Egypt was divided into two kingdoms.  Because of its great antiquity, no one knows the exact date the first Egyptian dynasty began.  The twelfth dynasty was already established, according to the Egyptian historian Manetho, in 2000 B.C., at the time of Abraham.  Some place the first dynasty as far back as 4000 B.C., long before the flood.  However, according to Dr. Zaki Y. Saad, noted scholar of Egyptian history, the first dynasty began in about 3200 B.C.  King Aha of the first dynasty ruled over Upper Egypt and Queen Neithetep ruled over Lower Egypt.
The Pharonic ruler of Egypt was crowned with either the Upper, Lower or both the Double crown of both—depending on where he ruled.  The double crown of ancient Egyptians was generally referred to it as sekhemti, the “Two Powerful Ones.”   The Upper Crown, Psilocybin grew in the Marshes of the Goshen Valley.  The Lower Crown or Morning Glory was traded for in the South of Egypt—the Crown reflecting its tendrils.  Speaking of the crowns or “Stones of Pharaoh,” a study on contrast between the right handed path and the left handed path is found in Sting’s “Why Should I Cry For You.” - If North be true

Genesis chapter 3:22 states “Then the LORD God said “Behold the man has become like one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life let us cast him out of the garden…” Interesting that the Yale University society “Skull & Bones” has the number 322 upon its door.  Here we see the ancient tradition of the Brahmin, Pharaoh and Cesar, in this case it is an Egyptian Queen sitting down to eat of Amanita muscaria in order to gain god-like knowledge by which “Care” or empathy is put to death…  The ancients now doubt believed that by eating of this bright red “fruit” they would, as the beguiling serpent had told Eve—gain eternal life and knowledge unto apotheosis…  That is godhood and eternal life.  Notice the icon showing the Ankh and the Amanita muscaria called the “Was” scepter.  

Ah the “Was” Scepter...  There was a time when the “Was” was considered all that.  “Was” was the Egyptian name for the power staff of pharaoh, as you can see it has gills and a mushroom head and body.  the open bulbous bottom of the staff is typical of Amanita muscaria.  The “Was” is Amanita muscaria, that Tree of Knowledge which caused our fall into ego and death.  Amanita muscaria has close ties with Beelzebub, the Lord of Fly's—and this mushroom is also called Fly Agaric.  Amanita muscaria had all the stop-sign warning colors one would need to know not to eat it—Yet as Genesis chapter 3:22 states “Then the LORD God said “Behold the man has become like one of Us to know good and evil And now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of Life…” Psilocybin is the other tree, is it therefore the Ankh?  Tree of Life depicted as the sign of life?  Perhaps… The ankh has been linked to the “bee plant” which as seen above often has the “bread” symbol with it.
Genesis 4:26 states that “after the birth of Seth and once Seth had a child, men began to call on the name of God again.”  Perhaps this was a ‘lets wait and see if those mushrooms make Seth’s child deformed.’  

According to ancient Egyptian legend nomadic tribes surrounding Egypt worship Seth, Osiris “evil” brother.  Algerian Rock art showing “Bee Shaman” maybe linked to his worship.  The Seth Animal is a composite of  a dog body, anteater head and a tell tale sign for tail.  Egyptian deities also had a secret or hidden worship in which powerful psychoactive Sacraments were used.  The Seth Animal’s arrow tail is meant to bring up ideas about the other half of the arrow, the pointed end.  Golden arrows springing from the ground is as clear a match for Psilocybin as those who have eyes to see need.  It is interesting how pastoral mankind (Able?) vanished suddenly, but agricultural Egypt (Cain?) kept going… While the line of Seth lingered on until the Flood (Greek art depicted Seth line as Centaurs). Notice the arrow-tail on the Seth Animal, it too will continue, having first been seen in the ancient stone carvings of India...  It will appear again when Rome converts to Christianity…  

The story of the death of Osiris the primary deity of Egypt for much of its history is a very large part of Occult history and Mystery School Religion - its Symbolism reveals much.  Osiris was tricked into climbing into a coffin by 72 servants of Set, he was then drowned in the Nile river.  His wife Isis then found him in a Cyprus tree in Babalos (from where the world Bible comes).  Set or Seth however then cut the body of Osiris into 14 parts and dispersed them.  Nimrod, who stood against the God of Noah was himself killed and cut into 14 pieces by his uncle who saw how Nimrod lay with his own mother and set himself up as king over the people against the God of Noah.

Isis found all but one of the 14 pieces of Osiris—the phallus which as eaten by the Oxythynchus fish.  Interesting that this fish is given the qualities of an ant eater like the Seth Animal symbolic of the deity Set.  Now Isis reinstituted the body of Osiris with the 13 pieces she finds and designs a phallus of gold to replace the missing piece.  While the Oxyrhynchus fish is crowned with the symbol of Hathor—cow horns with the solar disk set in it (it is from cows that the heavenly bread comes forth - thus the association of Oxythynchus with Hathor.

Among the Mason’s, there is a riddle used to draw fellow craft’s men up through their ranks.  It is the “Lost Word of Freemasonry” which is used like a carrot to entice the student of the Mystery Schools up the latter of degrees.  This Lost Word is sometimes called the Name of God…  Yet the “Royal Secret” is never actually imparted to the neophyte as it was lost to them;  remaining  only as golden images like this Egyptian one showing the phallus of Osiris, or the Obelisk and also the Circumpunct.

Meanwhile, Herodotus the Father of History records that this same Hercules (Nimrod), whose name means for the glory of Hera— “is an ancient god” known first by the Egyptians and also having temples in Tyre that extended back “two thousand three hundred years” to the founding of the city of Tyre of Phoenicia.  Since we know that Herodotus lived around 450 BC we can extend that period to the founding of Tyre at around 2750 BC about 250 years after the Noahdic Flood.  This would place Hercules (Latin) or Herakles (Greek) at about the time of  Nimrod.

Egyptian men and women in temple and tomb artwork were commonly displayed with the Psilocybin mushroom upon their heads.  Often the psychotropic Blue Lilly was also displayed, here we see the aphrodisiac fruit of  Mandrake in yellow which was also a popular spiritual tool mentioned by Solomon in the Bible.  The symbolic caps that the Bemushroomed attendants ware is the true ‘sun-kissed’ fruit atop their heads—it isn’t an acid.  ColdPlay's “Politik” describes this glowing state where love is poured out on us… While their song “Strawberry Swing” describes the strait line “perfect day” of LSD…  Elsewhere the band records “if you love— the swing is broken…”  Strawberries have become synonymous with Acid/LSD in po-music culture—see “Strawberry Fields Forever.”  Is it the acid content - by association or the bejeweled nature of the straw-berry? Who knows???

The “wax cones” with their golden sun corona streaming down crown this Egyptian couples head too.  These ‘Cap Stones’ are the Egyptian way of saying “we are under the spirit of the Sacrament Psilocybin.”  Psilocybin has the additionally rare attribute of being one of the few Sacraments that has universally been given a set of eyes—denoting consciousness.  The Egyptian woman and the funeral flowers at center show these windows of the soul.  Besides Psilocybin, Blue Lilly and Mandrakes are also displayed above.  
This completes our study of Egypt and the tracing of the silver lining of Religion through this part of history.  Keep in mind the things you have learned as they will find niches all along the historical latter we are ascending and descending...  Next time we go to the East (the Mason's will like that) and India!