
Monday, April 30, 2012

# 9 - History Begins: Noah's Flood & The Sumarian Civilization

Noah’s Ark today exists at the Durupinar site in modern day Turkey.  What would you expect a 5000 year old boat hulk to look like—one which was buried in mud for centuries?  ...Pretty much like the photo’s above.  The Ark slid down from higher above in a mud flow.  It seems God has preserved the Ark under the mud and uncovered it only recently so it could be seen and researched.  Stories of a flood are fairly universal like this one from the Michoacan tribe of Mexico:
“When the floodwaters began to rise, a man named Tezpi entered into a great vessel, taking with him his wife and children and diverse seeds and animals.  When the waters abated, the man sent out a vulture, but the bird found plenty of corpses to eat and didn’t return.  Finally, he sent out a hummingbird, which returned with a green bough in its beak.”

“The team says radiocarbon-dated wood taken from the discovery site—whose location they're keeping secret for now—shows the purported ark is about 4,800 years old, which coincides roughly with the time of Noah's flood implied by the Bible.” -National Geographic Daily News.
The Worshipers of  Oannes was Sumer’s first step into history, the dilated pupils suggest the way in which they worshiped.  “The Sumerian civilization developed on the Persian Gulf, growing to strength at around 4 - 3,000 B.C.  The 'Plain of the Land of Shinar' is the territory which after 2,000 B.C. became called Babylon.  The Greeks named the region Mesopotamia (The land between two rivers), most of which lies in the modern state of Iraq.  The exact origins of the Sumerians are unknown. They entered Mesopotamia c. 4,000 B.C.

    The original homeland of the Sumerians is unknown. It is believed that they came from the east (2), but whether by sea or from the highlands is unknown. We know that they are not local people because their language belongs to an isolated language group. During the 5th millennium B.C. a people known as the Ubaidians established settlements in the region later known as Sumer (Mesopotamia) The Ubaid 'Annunaki' c.4,000 B.C.

At around 3,250 BC, another people migrated from its homeland, located probably northeast of Mesopotamia, and began to intermarry with the native population. The newcomers, who became known as Sumerians, spoke an agglutinative language unrelated apparently to any other known language. (2)

Sumerian 'Priests' or 'Votive Statues' c. 3,000 - 2,500 BC.

By 3,100 B.C. the population of Sumer had increased to the point where people were living in cities.(2)

The first Sumerian ruler of historical record, Etana, king of Kish (flourished about 2,800 BC), was described in a document written centuries later as the "man who stabilized all the lands." (2)

The early dynastic period of Sumer covers the part of the third millennium from 2,800 to 2,400 BC, and ends with the conquest of Sumer by a Semitic king of the north, Sargon I of Akkad. (1)

It is noteworthy of the student to see that the hat of the Pope, that of Dagon is in the form of a fishes head...
The story of Oannes or the “Man Teaching Fish” arose first among the Babylonians.  Of whom the Tower of Babble is attributed.  Above at left you can see the “Fish” deity who taught the first civilization how to live.  “This Being was accustomed to pass the day among men; but took no food at that season; and he gave them an insight into letters and sciences, and arts of every kind.  He taught them to construct cities, to found temples, to compile laws, and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge.  He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth , and shewed them how to collect the fruits; in short, he instructed them in every thing which could ten to soften manners and humanize their lives.  From that time, nothing material has been added by way of improvement to his instructions…”  -Hall, 1988: LXXXIV.  Yet as you see, once “Eve” was tricked by those seeds of iniquity she led “Adam” or mankind away from the Golden Teacher—that Spirit behind the ‘Hand of God.’ See "Years Go By," Neil Finn.
Research has show that Civilizations formed around Religion, but Religion itself formed around Psilocybin.  .  The Sumerian’s, priest-historian Berossus left to us an account of Oannes, the half-man, half-fish you see in the above Sumerian clay seal.  Oannes was said to have the gift of writing, sciences and every kind of art.  It was Oannes who taught the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia the arts of civilization.  The fish stands by the tree of life over which the crescent moon and an eagle winged set of three deities reside.  Behind the talking fish rise the symbols for the Blue Lotus and the Poppy.  The Pope still wares the fish headed hat called the hat of Dagon. 
Many of the practices of and beliefs of Sumer were passed to the Babylonians and Assyrians then through contact and deliberate borrowing to the Hittites, Phoenicians and finally to the Greeks.  Some like the hat of Dagon have come down to reach us today others have not but are being uncovered.
Psilocybin was displayed at the palace of Ashur-nasir-pal II at Nimrud, in the 9th century BC. In ancient times the city was called Kalou. The Arabs called the city Nimrud after the Biblical Nimrod.  The first mention of Nimrod is in the Table of Nations. He is described as the son of Cush, grandson of Ham, and great-grandson of Noah.  A great builder, a Mason which in French means ‘the sons of light’ -but which light?   Notice this Tree of Life’s Scallop shelled fountain head with the pearl of ‘great worth’ within.  Jewish tradition and artwork will later include these keys as well some of the Mystery Schools history such as the Jewish month of Tamuz…
Ashur, son of Shem was one of Noah’s nephews. The Assyrians traced themselves to the god-ancestor Ashur and the city he founded by that name on the Tigris. In Plato's Euthydemus, Zeus, Athena, and Apollo are called his 'gods,’ 'lords and ancestors'.  Pay close attention not only the the scallop laced fountain of life but also the head dresses of king Ashurnasirpal II—it is the ‘mortar and pestle’ used to crush the head of the serpent—literally the Morning Glory seeds.

We’ve all heard the story of the Golden Calf, but few have heard why the Golden Calf was the image most recognized in the raw golden lump pulled from the furnace.  Here we see the causal links of association in this Assyrian artwork.  The human mind we it tries to discern the origin of the Sacrament Psilocybin, quickly deducts that it has no visible seed and not much in the way of roots.  So where does it come from?  We’ll it comes from the cow pie or horse dung, but the cow pie specifically produces the largest and most stately of the 184+ species of Psilocybin.  So then the reasoning mind (not being satisfied with “the divine mushroom of manure”), realizes that it is the Cow that produced the dung which produced the mushroom.  While that certainly contributed to why Cow’s were holy in India, it was the next step of reasoning that led to the golden calf idol…  The origin of the Cow is the calf, there was no earlier traceable material source for this magical golden manna that the Jew’s were all baptized into at the crossing of the red sea…  Thus through human reason we failed to know the source—the hidden God and worshiped instead the Golden Calf.
The Fall of Ancient Babylon. In 539 BCE (540 BC), the kingdom of Babylon was invaded in one night when Cyrus dammed up the river Euphrates, this dried up the Euphrates river and the soldiers entered the city under the walls and conquered the empire. He placed Darius the Mede as the ruler.

The Largest Army. Before the Greeks conquered Persia, Darius III assembled the largest army ever created to try and stop the progress of the Greeks (over 1,000,000 men from 40 different nations). He was still defeated by Alexander, who had no money and only 35,000 men, in the Battle of Arbela (also known as the battle of Gaugamela). Alexander was only 25 years old. The independent, warring Greek states allied themselves to fight for their freedom.

Too few have studied history, but if they had they would find that like our age, it is full of betrayal and failure to learn the lessons of history.  Among the Persians there came to be a king who had a son (Cyrus) that in a dream deposed him.  This king had the new born son disposed of by his first in charge.  The first in charge however gave the boy to a Shepard to keep.  When the king discovered this he secretly had the capital man eat his own child.  Later this Persian General turned on the king and joined the army of the Medes led by Cyrus.  It was this Cyrus that freed the Jews from captivity and according to his experiential spirituality with God, he was told to provide the means to rebuild the holy temple at Jerusalem which he did.  God has said that he raised up Egypt so that all the world might know His Name.  What does a pyramid with a long white walkway leading up to it look like?  Or what do fish and mushrooms have in common?  Scales, gills and dependence on water...  Next we will step into ancient Egypt and see where the path leads.

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